Want to learn something? Excellent!

Before the workshop

Our evening Installfest will match you up with a volunteer who will help make sure your computer is ready for you to build a Rails application. Make the most of Installfest by working through the Installfest instructions in advance. It's great if you can get your computer ready on your own; you'll have more time to get acquainted with students and coaches at Installfest. If you run into difficulties getting your computer ready at home, bring the problems to Installfest and we'll help you get everything working.

Get the most out of your workshop

We pack a lot of information into the 1.5 days of a RailsBridge workshop. Here are some things you can do to get the most out of your experience.

Talk to strangers

  • Even if it doesn't come naturally to you, there are a ton of interesting people at every workshop. The question "How's your workshop going?" is a popular opener.

Ask questions

  • If the teacher is moving too fast or something just isn't clear, ask about it! Someone else in your class is probably wondering the same thing you are.

Make peace with your inner critic

  • Programming is really complicated, and if there are pieces that you just don't get, it 100% doesn't mean that you aren't meant to program. Try to muster as much patience with yourself as you can.

Have some free time?

If you do have some spare moments before the workshops, we recommend any of these things as a fun way to prep:

Get Cosy with the Command Line

  • You'll need to run programs from your computer's command line to develop a Rails application. If you haven't used the computer's terminal application (PowerShell on Windows), take time to practice so you'll be ready. The Command Line Crash Course introduces the basics with a short self-study tutorial. For a quick video introduction, see Command Line Basics from Richard Schneeman.

Get a Taste of HTML and CSS

  • You don't need to know HTML and CSS to attend a RailsBridge workshop but familiarity will help you progress faster. Any book or online introduction to HTML and CSS will give you the background you need to get the most from a RailsBridge workshop. RailsBridge offers occasional workshops on HTML and CSS for beginners if you want to learn in a supportive group environment.

Sneak a Peek at the Curriculum

Advance Reading

  • If you have time, you can prepare with the in-depth primer, What is Ruby on Rails? from the RailsApps project. The article introduces basic concepts, explains why Ruby on Rails is popular, and provides background so you’ll get the most from a RailsBridge workshop.